Mindful Kids Peace Summit Speaker Info

Speakers Info

Alexandra Penn •  http://www.championsagainstbullying.com/

No Bio

Gina M. Biegel • https://www.stressedteens.com/about-gina-biegel/

Session Title:  Self-Care and Taking in Good to Combat Stressors

Gina M. Biegel, LMFT, is a San Francisco Bay area–based psychotherapist, researcher, speaker, and
author specializing in bringing mindfulness-based work with adolescents. She is the founder of
Stressed Teens, which has been offering MBSR-T to adolescents, families, schools, professionals, and
the community since 2004. She created MBSR-T to help teens in
a large HMO’s outpatient
department of child and adolescent psychiatry, who were not receiving relief or amelioration of their
physical and psychological symptoms with the use of a multitude of other evidence-based practices.

She is an expert and pioneer of bringing mindfulness-based approaches to youth. She is the author of
the Be Mindful & Stress Less: 50 Ways to Deal with Your (Crazy) Life; Mindfulness for Student
Athletes: A Workbook to Help Teens Reduce Stress and Enhance Performance; The Stress Reduction
Workbook for Teens: Mindfulness Skills to Help You Deal with Stress; and Be Mindful: A Card Deck
for Teens. She also has a mindfulness practice audio CD, Mindfulness for Teens: Mindfulness
Practices to Reduce Stress and Promote Well-Being to complement the MBSR-T program. She
provides worldwide intensive ten-week online trainings and works with teens and families
individually and in groups. Her work has been featured on the Today Show and CNN, and in
Psychology Today, Reuters, the New York Times, and Tricycle to name a few. For more information,
visit her website, www.stressedteens.com.

Jennifer Miller • confidentparentsconfidentkids.com


Session Title:  How to Fit In and Stand Out and be Confident Teens

For twenty-five years, Jennifer Miller has dedicated her work to the well-being of young
people of all ages by improving the skills and understanding of the adults – teachers and
parents – who love them. She is author and illustrator of the blog, Confident Parents,
Confident Kids with more than 22,000 followers in 152 countries world-wide. She serves as
a regular expert contributor to the Webby Award-winning site, NBC Universal’s Parent
Toolkit. Her book, “Confident Parents, Confident Kids: How to Manage Your Own Big
Feelings While Helping Kids Manage Theirs” is coming to bookstores this Fall, 2019.

Jo and Emily Brierleywww.drmitchabblett.com


Session Title:  Prizeworthy – Mindful Caregiving for Planting Seeds of Self-Worth and Resilience in Children

I am a clinical psychologist with a private psychotherapy and consulting practice in Wellesley, Massachusetts (www.drmitchabblett.com). Prior to this, I served as the Executive Director of the Institute for Meditation and Psychotherapy, a non-profit focusing on the education and training at the intersection of mindfulness and treatment.
In addition (and for over a decade, I was the Clinical Director of the Manville School, a Harvard-affiliated therapeutic day school program in Boston. My clinical work, consulting and writing centers on the intersection of mindfulness and communication / interpersonal effectiveness.

The Five Hurdles to Happiness: And the Mindful Path to Overcoming Them

John Shearerhttp://mindfullymad.org/


Session Title:  We are All One, One with Spirit, One with Life.

John Shearer has been on an extraordinary journey that has culminated in him becoming an internationally recognised Australian Mindfulness Master. He is a Psychotherapist, Intuitive Life Coach, Hypnotherapist, ACT Therapist, Modern Day Shaman and Spiritual Healer. In 2015, John founded mindfullyMAD.org and the Mindfulness Mentoring Institute to train Peer Support Workers and Volunteers.
Mindful Actions

Mariam Gates • http://www.mariamgates.com/


Session Title:  Using the Breath to Feel Calm, Strong and Happy

Mariam Gates is the bestselling author of numerous books to include Good Night Yoga, Good Morning Yoga, Yoga Friends, Meditate with Me and This Moment Is Your Life (middle grade) on yoga, meditation and mindfulness for kids of all ages. She has taught yoga and mindfulness for the past 20 years and created her signature training program, Kid Power Yoga which offers online courses throughout the world.


Breathe with Me: Using Breath to Feel Strong, Calm and Happy

Megreete Flectcheryour-website-here


Session Title:  

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Book #1 Book #2

Pauline Pollard • https://paulinepollard.com/


Session Title: Mindfulnes techniques that will have your child thriving and exceling at School, Sport and in Life.  

Originally trained as a Registered Nurse and Accredited Diabetes Educator, Pauline is also a Certified Child Self Esteem Coach and has studied Energy Medicine, Emotional Freedom Technique, Reiki and the Chakras as well as practicing Yoga and meditation for over 20 years. She takes an intuitive approach to healing.

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