Mindful Kids Peace Summit Speaker Info

Speakers Info

Alexandra Penn • https://kirawilley.com/

Session Title:  Bite-Sized Mindfulness

Kira Willey is a children’s music artist, author, kids’ yoga and mindfulness expert, and creator of Rockin’ Yoga school programs. Her TEDx talk, “Bite-Sized Mindfulness,” can be viewed online, and her 5 CDs of children’s yoga songs have won Parents’ Choice Gold and numerous other industry awards. “Breathe Like a Bear,” Kira’s mindfulness book for children, is being published in eight international editions.


Breathe Like a Bear: 30 Mindful Moments for Kids to Feel Calm and Focused Anytime, Anywhere

Lorraine Murray •  https://www.teachchildrenmeditation.com/

Session Title:  Helping kids with special needs relax with meditation (including autism and ADHD)

Lorraine E Murray is the author of Calm Kids and Connected Kids. She is also a qualified complementary therapist and meditation and mindfulness teacher. She is a well known speaker and trainer in the field as well as a foster parent.

Freebie: 5 Top tips for Teaching Children and Teens Mindfulness and Meditation

Connected Kids: Help Kids with Special Needs (and Autism) SHINE with mindful, heartfelt activities

Calm Kids: Help Children Relax with Mindful Activities

Dr. Christopher Willard • http://drchristopherwillard.com/

Session Title:  Alphabreaths

Dr. Christopher Willard, PsyD is a licensed psychotherapist, educational consultant, and author of Growing up Mindful and Raising Resilience. He currently teaches at Harvard Medical School. He also works as a therapist with a focus on mindfulness and anxiety. He is President of the Mindfulness in Education Network. 

Growing Up Mindful: Essential Practices to Help Children, Teens, and Families Find Balance, Calm, and Resilience

Raising Resilience: The Wisdom and Science of Happy Families and Thriving Children

Jody Johnston Pawel, LSW, CFLE • https://parentstoolshop.com/welcome2pt


Session Title:  The Mindfulness Way to Tame Temper Tantrums

Jody Johnston Pawel empowers parents with a unique system and practical tools for preventing common challenges and finding individualized solutions to problems that fit their family’s needs. She knows the pitfalls to avoid and shows parents how small changes in their words and actions can produce dramatic — sometimes even miraculous — results that can help them have stress-free relationships in all areas of their lives.

5 Easy Steps to Effectively Res[pond to ANY Parenting Challenge

Dr. Mitch Abblettwww.drmitchabblett.com


Session Title:  Prizeworthy – Mindful Caregiving for Planting Seeds of Self-Worth and Resilience in Children

I am a clinical psychologist with a private psychotherapy and consulting practice in Wellesley, Massachusetts (www.drmitchabblett.com). Prior to this, I served as the Executive Director of the Institute for Meditation and Psychotherapy, a non-profit focusing on the education and training at the intersection of mindfulness and treatment.
In addition (and for over a decade, I was the Clinical Director of the Manville School, a Harvard-affiliated therapeutic day school program in Boston. My clinical work, consulting and writing centers on the intersection of mindfulness and communication / interpersonal effectiveness.

The Five Hurdles to Happiness: And the Mindful Path to Overcoming Them

Mariam Gates • http://www.mariamgates.com/


Session Title:  Using the Breath to Feel Calm, Strong and Happy

Mariam Gates is the bestselling author of numerous books to include Good Night Yoga, Good Morning Yoga, Yoga Friends, Meditate with Me and This Moment Is Your Life (middle grade) on yoga, meditation and mindfulness for kids of all ages. She has taught yoga and mindfulness for the past 20 years and created her signature training program, Kid Power Yoga which offers online courses throughout the world.


Breathe with Me: Using Breath to Feel Strong, Calm and Happy

Megreete Flectcheryour-website-here


Session Title:  

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Book #1 Book #2

Pauline Pollard • https://paulinepollard.com/


Session Title: Mindfulnes techniques that will have your child thriving and exceling at School, Sport and in Life.  

Originally trained as a Registered Nurse and Accredited Diabetes Educator, Pauline is also a Certified Child Self Esteem Coach and has studied Energy Medicine, Emotional Freedom Technique, Reiki and the Chakras as well as practicing Yoga and meditation for over 20 years. She takes an intuitive approach to healing.

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