Mindful Classrooms -Mindful Schools -Mindfulness
Welcome to the Mindful Teacher’s Area – Creating Mindful Classrooms

Mindful classrooms aren’t hard to achieve! It’s 830am, on a drizzly Monday, and the bell has just rung. Kids are running around screaming, balls of scrunched up paper are flying through the air and no one is listening as you try to get your class to settle down despite your best efforts.
OK maybe that is a bit of an exaggerated story but every classroom could benefit from being more positive and passionate, couldn’t it?
Are you a teacher looking to make your classroom a happier, more focused and more positive place for your students? You have definitely come to the right place!
We believe the more passion students have, the better they learn. The more strategies for creating peace within themselves and with their classmates and community, the better for everyone! Positive education is vital to every student’s success. Let’s work together to give children the tools they need!
Mindfulness and Positive Psychology Benefits
We can help you:
- Create mindful classrooms and schools
- Reduce stress and anxiety in your students (and yourself!)
- Create a peaceful classroom with peaceful conflict resolution
- Increase your student’s resilience
- Develop your own and your student’s emotional intelligence
- Learn positive communication strategies for your classroom, your parent interactions, and student interactions
- Build on and develop student’s positivity and passion through real world activities
- Create a kinder school environment with ripple effects in your community
- Tackle the huge issue of bullying in schools with tactics that really work!
- Practice mindfulness yourself to improve your own life and wellbeing

What MindBE Education has to Offer:
We’ll be adding more positive education content, free resources, videos, research, tools and lots more to this section so keep checking back!
Look out for our teacher certification courses and full easy to implement mindfulness and wellbeing curriculum programs.
Check out our Private Membership site for ready to go lessons and resources to make your classroom calm,
passionate, peaceful and happy! Lessons linked to art, music, literacy and other subjects are all included and sorted by grade level
Start your Journey to Mindful Classrooms and Teaching Now!
Discover 5 Ways to Create a Zen Classroom This School Year!
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